logos / posters / tickets / invitations / leaflets / flyers / personal prints and much more...

With over 15 years experience and a degree in graphic design, our service can offer you a quick and quality piece of design at an affordable price.

Working with your designer

we have designed a lot of things over the years so have certain templates for your project, these can of course be fully customised to your needs with colour, logos, text etc.

setting a brief

• Text (Word doc or email is fine)
• logos to include (Hi resolution)
• Colour scheme
• Inspiration - If you see something you like online or have something in mind send us a photo or screenshot

Artwork Charges

Our print pricing is based on us receiving a print-ready PDF or 300 dpi jpeg at the correct size. If you are still not able to supply artwork in any of these formats then we may be able to re-create it for you.

Our prices for creating or amending artwork are as follows:

You supply Print-ready artwork. No charge.

Artwork that requires initial amendments that take less than 15 minutes to complete. £5

Artwork that need to be completely re-created or requires amendments that take longer than 15 minutes to complete. £5 for initial 15 minutes. Subsequent time charged at £30 per hour. Charged in 30 minutes blocks. Minimum charge £15.

Get in touch!


Send message

Call us
02392 753311
Technopole, Innovation Connect
Office 203, Kingston Crescent, Portsmouth PO2 8FA
Opening Hours
we are currently offering a 3 day print production (monday, wednesday and thursday) and working remotely the rest of the week, contact by email will get the quickest response as we are often very busy on the print days, we will also be able to schedule in any print jobs. work approved after midday will printed on the next available print production day. Office visits are not allowed. We do have a reception that are available for collections and deliveries.